Code for Croatia
Code for Croatia Github Projects
Want to help? Register!
Croatia open data repository (Open Data HR)
This is popular map-based reporting platform FixMyStreet for Croatia named ""
Provide a Freedom of Information request system for your jurisdiction
scraping Sabor
Code for Croatia Open Data Portal
[Deprecated] Extended project of Laddr for Code for Croatia website
A version of the business model canvas that we hacked for civic tech project planning
Scan an alaveteli instance and generate FOI performance graphs by calendar year.
[Archive] OGP Croatia 2014, 2015 and 2016. Action plan - what's needed, what's in progress, what's done
[Depricated] Informational web portal to help Refugees and Organizers in Croatia
Frontend theme for Croatian Alaveteli site
Open Data Day, Croatia, Zagreb
Open Data Census website and dashboard
Forkable tools of the Code for Croatia local groups
A is for assets. This repository holds Code for Croatia web assets.
Github Project Page
A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.
Short URL service for Code for Croatia
TJV Parser is a script that will scrape and parse public authorities file and post online in open format
A base bootstrap theme for Code for Croatia apps, delivered as CSS and SASS.
Microsite za akcije i kampanje -
Status otvaranja registara - 2017
Members online business card with a minimal landing page theme for any social media or online presence account: fork, edit, and send pull request! :necktie:
Proaktivna objava troškova putovanja članova Vlade Republike Hrvatske - kampanja u cilju ukazivanja na potrebu proaktivne objave troškova putovanja visokih dužnosnika (članovi vlade, ministri i ministrice
Pregled odobrenih kredita HBOR-a
uređeni podaci o zastupničkim naknadama (od 2012. godine, tj. početka 7. saziva)
This is IPZ update workflow with two Python scripts by saifullahalam
🚀✨ Help beginners to contribute to open source projects
Boilerplate legal templates for FOI appeals in Croatia
Boilerplate legal process for FOI in Croatia
connecting developers with open source projects
[Not in use] This is our brigade's Emergence website,,
Code for Croatia organisation Data Storage
DEPRICATED - Web Governance for Imamo pravo znati
Landing page for Open Data Youth Camp/Academy an OGP event
IPZ Updater is a script that compares TJV Parser dataset against IPZ authority dataset and updates changes to
Community health files for the @codeforcroatia community
[Depricated] Swearingly lovely instructions for civic engagement.
Do this when booking meetings at CfC.
[Not in use] DNS records for
[DEPRECATED] Code of Conduct
Croatian FOI Handbooks v1
Dasshboard za vizualizaciju prikupljenih putnih troškova članova Hrvatske vlade
[Archive] Open Data Handbook
[Depricated] Predlošci prigovora za
Dostupnost medicinkih usluga prekida trudnoće u Republici Hrvatskoj
A presentation theme
[Depricated] administrators manual
In-Browser Message Encryption App
[Depricated] Alaveteli theme for
[Depricated] Consumer protection portal in Croatia
[Depricated] Public Slack automated self-invite for Code for Croatia
[DEPRECATED] This is repository for our Welcome page
The Leek group guide to data sharing
[Depricated] CfC use Kimai open source for time tracking - replaced with Google Scripts App
Examples of bad data, especially from government.
[Depricated] Test tech job posts for issues with sexism, culture, expectations, and recruiter fails.
Simple github-page to redirect to when doing maintenance.
Legal boilerplates in Croatian language free to use by everyone
[Depricated] Data, documents and investigations revealing new perspectives inside Croatia's public services datasets.
[Depricated] A support chat feature for your website that integrates with #Slack
Scrapes for parliament assembly
Upitnik o otvorenim podacima za političke kandidate
View, visualize, clean and process data in the browser.
Gather, curate, and feature stories of public servants and civic hackers using GitHub as part of their open government innovations
[Depricated] OGP Croatia 2014, 2015 and 2016. Action plan - what's needed, what's in progress, what's done
A list of resources for awesome civic software (tools | libraries | applications)
Algoritam ocjenjivanja otvorenih podataka
Javni podaci sanitarne inspekcije
A python library consuming API.
Projekt "Financiranje političkih stranaka" zapocet na CodeAcross i OpenDataDay Croatia-Zagreb 2015 hackathonu
A django app showing Croatian motor fuel price indexes.
A countdown to the 2015 CodeAcross which is on Feb 20 & 21, 2015
This is the start of the Code for Croatia's Github how-to for P2PU
Turn your Fusion Table into a mobile-friendly searchable web app.
simple guidelines for publishing open data in useful formats
Lokacije na kojima se prikuplja(la) pomoc za poplavom pogodjena podrucja
How To Do Things
A list of cool features of Git and GitHub.
Information around TimBL's 5 star Open Data plan
common patterns and anti-patterns for civic tech and civic apps